Category: showcase blogs

The two blogs I have selected for grading

Blog 8 – Media Literacy (assessment blog)

What is media literacy?

Having media literacy is to have the capability to recognize and understand the content in messages across various multimedia platforms. This also has to do with choosing the right multimedia medium in delivering an impact to an intended audience (i.e., using PowerPoint in a business pitch meeting to convey your message).

Why is it important?

Media literacy is important because it enables individuals to navigate through the overwhelming amount of information that is being presented and locate what sources are reliable and can be trusted. This is a skill that everyone should have in order to stop different forms of misinformation from proliferating across the public.

Why is it dismissed?

Media literacy may be dismissed due to personal biases as many people tend to gravitate towards sources of information that align with their own thoughts for that feeling of self-gratification that comes with being ‘right’. Individuals may also dismiss media literacy because they may view it as being unnecessary because of their current inability to distinguish between reliable and unreliable forms of information. Essentially they can’t recognize it’s importance because they haven’t been properly educated on the matter.

Why should you aim for varied views but the factual consensus in your PLN?

It’s important to maintain a factual consensus in your PLN because the goal of a PLN is not to argue what is and isn’t true but have meaningful discussions around what is true/what makes something true. You should aim for varied views as well because the truth can look different through others perspectives and in order to get the full picture you have to consider other’s views on a matter.


Miller, Jesse. (2021). EDCI 338-MEDIA LITERACY with JULIE SMITH. YouTube.

Trilling, B & Fadel, C. (2012). Digital Literacy Skills. Media Literacy Chapter 4, pp. 66.

Blog 1 – Personal Learning Networks and Digital Identity (Assessment Blog)

What does it mean to network using social media?

To network using social media is to essentially take advantage of the open communication platforms provided to us by companies such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. to form meaningful connections with other individuals. By using these social media platforms, you can effectively expand your contacts in both your professional and personal life to anyone around the globe as the internet removes any geographic barriers, etc. that would have otherwise prevented communication (Gutierrez, n.d.).

How are we motivated to participate in networked publics?

Rajagopal, Brinke, Bruggen, and Sloep (2012) suggest various motivations that push consumers to participate in networked publics. The concepts raised in the article which I strongly agree with is that we are motivated to participate due to a real potential for learning being made available and through trying to connect with like-minded individuals. Both of these motivators are fueled by your own desire to learn and have open discussions regarding a topic of interest, and I believe that there is no stronger motivation than one stemming from self-improvement in some form.

What are the risks & rewards of public communications?

The reward of engaging in public communications is the accessibility of knowledge through discussion with other individuals and the speed at which information can be accessed and shared through public forums, social media platforms, etc. A definite risk of engaging in these platforms is that you may find yourself stuck in an echo chamber as you join online communities which may perpetuate the same ideas over and over again with no new knowledge being disseminated.

What is a digital identity?

Your Digital Identity or Footprint consists of any and all data found online which can be linked to your personal use. This is an umbrella term which covers any and all information found within your social media accounts as well as your browsing history which has been saved on other websites you’ve visited (i.e., search engine history).

How do personal versus professional approaches to digital identity affect social media use?

If your social media usage is strictly personal you may not be deterred to post your opinions and share your own thoughts regarding topics of interest if they fall outside of the accepted social norm. However, if you approach social media from a professional standpoint you may be more reserved in how/what you post as many companies now take measures to scrub for social media accounts before making a hiring decision. As such your social media engagement/posts run the risk of souring any potential job opportunity if your online presence does not fit within the company’s image.

How do digital identities converge in networked publics – what are the impacts and/or benefits?

Your Digital Identity converges in networked publics as your online presence can be found and utilised by introducing you to online communities based off your browsing history and other common interests found in your online presence. The benefit of this is that it makes these communities where you’re able to have meaningful discussions on far easier for you to find due to this “targeted advertising” for lack of a better word.


Boyd, D. (n.d.). Networked Privacy. Retrieved from

Future Learn. What is a Personal Learning Network (PLN)? (n.d.). Retrieved from

Gutierrez, K. (n.d.). What are Personal Learning Networks? Retrieved from

Rajagopal, K., Brinke, D. J., Bruggen, J.V., & Sloep, P.B. (2012). View of Understanding personal learning networks: Their structure, content and the networking skills needed to optimally use them: First Monday. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Stoller, E. [University of Derby]. (2016, November 25). Eric Stoller – What is Digital Identity? [Video]. Youtube.