Blog 6 – Diverse and Inclusive PLN

What are the benefits of a diverse and inclusive PLN in social media sharing that understands where you are coming from with messaging that impacts the community?

Having a diverse and inclusive PLN lets you gain perspective on the different perspectives, beliefs, and opinions of individuals within your community. This allows for you to gauge the needs of your community and help to inform your decisions on what to post/message, leading to an overall positive impact on the community. A diverse and inclusive PLN is also a direct reflection on your character based on who you choose to surround yourself with, this creates an opportunity to speak up for individuals who may have otherwise felt uncomfortable doing so due to keeping an inclusive mindset.

Markiel Simpson was able to leverage their network into a campaign for the NDP nomination in the Burnaby North-Seymour riding. Through sharing his unique life experiences and ideologies that stem from his upbringing and life experience on social platforms like Twitter he amassed a following of individuals who resonated with the information he was sharing. By doing this in an authentic manner he was able to establish a diverse and inclusive PLN and use that as a jumping off point for his campaign by establishing himself as a voice for the underrepresented in our communities.

1 Comment

  1. harmeetbrar

    Hey Gurbir!

    Great job on your blog post! You’ve made many great points that I agree with throughout your post, the first being how an inclusive PLN allows for people gain perspective. It is so important to ensure that your PLN is inclusive as hearing from multiple perspectives allows for better understanding of the topic. Another great point that you made was how a PLN is a direct reflection of your character. This is a very good point!

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